If you are thinking about starting a student organization and having it chartered by the Student Association, take a look at our Student Organizations checklist. It gives you the run down on how to get your group started. Then, fill out the forms in the Student Organizations Kit or contact the SA for assistance. There are lots of benefits to being a chartered club or student society, so submit your package today.
why not join or start a club/society?
Want to get even more involved in student life? Why not start a chartered student organization? To support the diversity of student interests at NSCC, the Student Association encourages student involvement through the development of student organizations. Examples such as the Human Services Society, Culinary Society, or Engineering Society can relate to specific fields of study at NSCC, while others may focus on specific social and community issues or leisure interests, like a snowboarding club or dance club.
Here are some examples of student organizations from past years:
· Otaku Club
· Running Club
· Walking Club
· LGBTQ Club
· Gender and Sexuality Alliance
· Allies
· Sustainability Society
· Student Mental Health Committee
· Boardgame Club
· Songwriter’s Circle
· One World Society
· Entrepreneurship Club
· Gaming Society
· The Green Team
Current Student Organization Leaders click on the CSO SUPPORTS button below or on the top menu to access available resources