Created to recognize the tremendous leadership efforts of our students and acknowledge their outstanding contributions to student life and leadership, the NSCC Student Life Appreciation Awards celebrate those students whose level of commitment serves to enhance the student experience for all. Through their participation in our Student Associations, campus student organizations, sport and wellness initiatives, or just by volunteering their time or engaging in student support programs or other initiatives, these students have helped to build a more robust student experience.
For 2024/2025, NSCC Student Life will be presenting nine major awards, one in each of the categories listed below. Any member of the college community can nominate individuals/groups for any/all of these awards.
The Lori Foran Leadership Award
(formerly NSCC Student Leader of the Year)
Presented to the Student Leader in either an elected (President or VP) or appointed (Coordinator) Student Association/Ambassador position, selection will be based on their demonstrated service and commitment to fellow students and their learning community, generosity of spirit, and performance exceeding the requirements of their position.
Award Criteria:
Nominee significantly contributes to the overall success of the Student Association and/or Ambassador Program; possesses a high level of involvement in campus activities; displays dedication and commitment to the Student Association/Ambassador program and utilizes his/her skills to the benefit of the student body; and encourages and supports the leadership development of others.
The John Driscoll Student Advisor Award
This award recognizes an advisor supporting a campus SA, student organization or Ambassador Program who has gone exceeded the requirements of their duties as a mentor and guide to campus student leaders.
Award Criteria:
Supports the student organization on campus by serving as a resource and offering guidance; encourages members’ involvement with the SA/student organization/Ambassador program and within the NSCC learning community; counsels and advises officers; demonstrates concern for members’ leadership and personal development; and assists in overseeing organization/program’s activities and attends events when possible.
Program of the Year
This award recognizes an outstanding awareness program or service offered by the campus Student Association, Ambassador Program or other affiliated group. This category also includes those awareness programs or services developed/sponsored by the SA in conjunction with other partners.
Award Criteria:
Program addressed a specific need on campus; program had clear goals/deliverables that were successfully met; significant time and effort went into planning and executing the program; students were integral to the planning and implementation of the program; successful marketing led to strong attendance/participation; program planners followed College policies and guidelines; and program was unique or notable in some way.
Event of the Year Award
This award recognizes an outstanding social event/activity organized by the campus Student Association, Ambassador Program or other affiliated group. This category also includes those events organized for student awareness purposes.
Award Criteria:
Event was relevant to the student membership; event was well organized and delivered in a professional manner; successfully met the stated goals in delivery; event demonstrated a commitment to high quality activity programming; and event designed with creativity and originality in mind.
The Pierre Muise Memorial Award for Excellence in Teamwork
This award recognizes the Student Association executive that has demonstrated teamwork excellence by successfully prioritizing relationship building, cooperation and collaboration for the betterment of their student community.
Award Criteria:
Student Association team embodies commitment to collaboration and communication by consistently holding formal and informal team meetings; members demonstrate a shared commitment to professionalism; team collectively supports one another in the delivery of events, activities, programs and services; and puts the needs of their student population at the forefront of their efforts.
Student Organization of the Year
This award recognizes the campus student organization that has positively influenced the NSCC student experience through the creation of opportunities for personal growth, social networking and professional development.
Award Criteria:
Student Organization was relevant to the student membership; organized and delivered activities in a professional manner; successfully met the stated goals of the organization; and collaborated with other members of the college community to achieve success.
NSCC Student Life Professionalism Award
This award recognizes a student (elected or volunteer) who has demonstrated strong leadership qualities and a true commitment to student life while maintaining high academic standing in their program.
Award Criteria:
Academic achievement combined with significant volunteer contribution and involvement with student life activities.
Raymond E. Ivany Community Impact Award
This award recognizes a student who has demonstrated strong commitment and service to their campus and/or local community and has consistently shown a desire to improve the college community through their involvement.
Award Criteria:
Significant volunteer contribution and involvement with campus and/or community activities.
Campus Housing Programming Award
Nominated by Campus Housing students, this award recognizes an outstanding campus housing student staff member that has positively influenced and shaped their NSCC campus housing community through the delivery of campus housing program(s) that create a sense of belonging and community.
Award Criteria:
Nominee must be a member of the Campus Housing Student Staff team and developed and executed a Campus Housing Program which learning outcomes supported personal wellbeing, community connections or academic success.
To submit a nomination and see full information about each award, its requirements, and the winners from 2024 on Connect at https://nscc.sharepoint.com/services/Pages/NSCC-Student-Life-Appreciation-Awards.aspx.