** 2025 Auditions are now closed **
NSCC's Got Talent!
This virtual talent competition will begin accepting auditions from NSCC students across the province on Monday, February 3rd. Finalists will be chosen at the campus level and move on to contend at the provincial level. The winner will be invited to showcase their talent at the Student Life Appreciation Awards in Halifax, and receive an all expenses paid trip to attend, courtesy of their Student Association, among other perks and prizes from alumni & talent industry judges.
Open to current NSCC students only. If you are auditioning as part of a group, each member of the group must be currently enrolled at NSCC.
Students may submit more than one audition if they are different acts. This is limited to one solo audition and one audition as part of a group.
Deadline to enter is Friday, February 14th at 4 PM AST.
Finalist Selection
Each audition video will be reviewed at the campus level by a curated panel of judges who will select (1) finalist and (1) wildcard for their campus.
Student Life will contact the finalists from each campus and (1) wildcard finalist via email by February 28th.
Each finalist will be eligible to submit a finalist video which will be posted to the NSCC Student Life YouTube Channel.
Stay tuned for on campus events to support your finalist hosted by your Student Association!
Winning Prize
The Winner of NSCC’s Got Talent will be invited to attend and perform at the 2025 Student Life Appreciation Awards in Halifax in April. If you are from outside the HRM, this will include a trip and stay in Halifax courtesy of your Student Association, including travel, meals, and overnight accommodation!
Finalist Videos will be reviewed by a panel of Special Guest Judges from the Talent industry in Nova Scotia who will select the Winner. Some judges may have additional prizes to offer the winner.
How to Audition
Auditions will be accepted virtually by video submissions.
All audition videos must be authentic and not use any filters, voice modifiers, editing features or special effects. To prevent this, all video auditions must be recorded and shared with the use of Dolby On app (free). You can get the Dolby On app here:
Audition videos should be no longer than 90 seconds and the file should be no larger than 1GB
You must also submit a form to accompany your audition video to verify that you are currently enrolled at NSCC.
How to use Dolby On
You should rename your video prior to sharing. Name your video file campus_nameaudition (example: akerley_johnsmithaudition)
Tap the share icon on your preferred video. Under the Share Video option - either select Save Video to export the video to your device OR select More Video Apps to share via Facebook Messenger.
If you exported the video to your device, please ensure you upload it to your audition form.
Sharing via Dolby On
Tap the share icon on your preferred video. Then select More Video Apps (under Share Video) to export
For the purpose of submitting your larger file sharing audition videos, share only using Messenger.
Videos sent through messenger should be sent to NSCC Student Life.
How to fill out the Audition Form (scan the QR code for the audition form)
The Audition Form link will be emailed to all students from NSCC Student Life. It will also be posted to your campus’ Student Association Facebook page.
Click the audition form link and ensure you complete all required questions.
Attach your video audition file to your audition form or submit it via the Dolby On app.
Form submission is still required to complete your audition if you submit your video through Messenger.
You will receive a confirmation email once the form is submitted.
Depending on your file size, device make/model or other factors, you may only have access to one of the video submission options.
If at any point in the audition process you have any questions or require support please contact studentlife@nscc.ca If you have questions about NSCC’s Got Talent you can also connect with your Student Association.